Role-Playing Game, Understanding Every Role Inside Game

Arya Diputra . December 06, 2018
If you like to play World of Warcraft, Seal Online, Ragnarok Online, or other game that has class and the role they take. You should know why that game can be listed as Role-Playing Games. Taking the role and how you can understand it, it is a nature of the Role-Playing Games. Curious? Let's talk about Role-Playing Games to discuss it further.

Role-Playing Games is to learn every role

Seal Online RPG
Seal Online RPG
Actually, Role-Playing Games that we like to play sometimes makes us have to understand how each role in those class. Priest, Mage, Knight, Craftsman, Merchant, Ranger, each of them has their own role. If we look at the artist or celebrity such as Chris Evans, they also do the Roleplay as well like how he plays Captain America.

Roleplay is not as easy as you think

Playing game RPG is not easy. While we need to know each of the characters, we have to know what kind of capabilities each role possess. Commonly, this happens at the world of the movie industry and comics because they need to think what character that they want to make. Stan Lee, creator, and legend of Marvel also didn't make the character as his wish. He must know and understand each of character that he wants to make. This situation also happens at One Piece, where Eiichiro Oda has stores hundreds or maybe thousands of One Piece character. However, by playing this RPG themed game, we can understand how a character can develop. The example is Cecil Harvey, who is previously Dark Knight, and later, become a Paladin and King of Baron at Final Fantasy IV. How he takes the trial, overcoming every obstacle, solving every problem, that is the main principle of the Roleplay. When conducting a raid in a game, Support Class is extremely important and must be protected at all costs. That's because, when Support was defeated, others will be defeated and the party will be on disarray. Tank class has two main objectives when conducting a raid. They have to draw the enemy's attention and protect Support at all costs. While for DPS or damage per second, they have to think how they are not going to make support and tank exhausted. If Support is run out of mana because of prolonging the fight, it will be more difficult to maintain the formation. So, basically, it's not as easy as you can expect when playing Role-Playing Games. Every class has their own role and you can't force them to take the role that they can't take.
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