Now you might have been hacked by someone, or involved in hacking someone's computer. On average 44% of internet users are victims of cybercrime in 2017. At present, the algorithm can be a very dangerous weapon to look for the weaknesses of internet users.
Hackers will find the weak points of internet users, then will exploit the data. Which will then be used to prey on other weak users, without being detected or tracked completely.
Hackers are not a child who plays for pleasure. They are cunning individuals, who often abuse the advantages they can to take advantage of by harming others.
But you are just an ordinary person, who only knows how to surf the internet, use social media, and just work. There is no reason for someone else to hack you, after all what other people will get from ordinary people, right? Not entirely true
Today's hackers don't just prey on rich people and influential people. You have an email, bank account, or special security number. And if you are not careful online, you will be the target of special algorithms that hackers use to find loopholes from security.
And to be hacked is just as easy as clicking on a fake e-mail, just by clicking the hackers can direct you to the site that downloads malware. That will give your computer access to hackers in full, without you being able to realize it completely.
From there, they will start stealing the information they want. Like your company's client list, which will be sold on the blackmarket as an example.
Hackers with bigger plans can use your computer to carry out the same attack on other users' computers. So that hackers will have many networks from various victims' computers, which will be used to carry out even bigger attacks.
This digital attack can cause a site to crash, and eventually it won't work. So that no one can access the site, it can be a banking site, company, or even a state website. And you have technically helped them, because you don't protect yourself online.
Then what can we do to avoid phising?
Be careful of what you click
Fake links often have errors in writing, such as "netfix.com" which should be "netflix.com" but without the letter "l". Maybe something like this is very difficult to distinguish if you read it in passing. But if you are more careful in writing the correct link. Prevention can be done, is to open a new tab and type the link manually. So you won't open any suspicious sites.
Install Anti Virus
Installing an antivirus like McAfee, Kaspersky, or Norton will also keep you safe. At least the antivirus will give a warning if there are suspicious activities. But if you don't want to buy a paid antivirus, you can use a free antivirus like Avast.
Use physical ones not digital
The important thing is, do not store very sensitive data on your computer. Such as bank account information, credit card numbers and more. Cyber experts suggest that the best way to store data is physically. Whether in writing, or in the form, where you can store the data in a place that you can see and access at any time.
Of course all of this also applies to portable computers such as smartphones. The internet is indeed a very outside place, there are many benefits that we can get. But on the other hand, we as users must also be wise and careful, so that nothing bad happens that we don't want.
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