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Brawl Stars, Supercell New Game
Brawl Stars, Supercell New Game
Supercell, a developer company from Finland turns out has not done yet with the game. Not satisfy with Clash of Clans and Clash Royale that turns into a big hit, they decide to cre...
Speedrunners, Player That Always Want to Finish As Fast as Possible
Speedrunners, Player That Always Want to Finish As Fast as Possible
A player that likes to play and complete the games as soon as possible is called speedrunners. This often happens to a game that has a story mode. Speedrunners always try to comple...
Why Market Need To Be Always Occupied
Why Market Need To Be Always Occupied
In this days, a company that can't keep up to the demand from customers will be left behind. Of course, the impact can go to a chain reaction. From lesser income, more debt problem...
Mammoth Tank, Masterpiece of GDI
Mammoth Tank, Masterpiece of GDI
Mammoth Tank, those who have heard of this tank know its superiority. It has an ability that no tank can defeat it in head-to-head combat. Every tank that is smaller than this tank...
IBM Simon, First Smartphone in The World
IBM Simon, First Smartphone in The World
Smartphones are smart devices that are present to be utilized in everyday human needs. Information, lifestyle needs, even shopping can be done by using it. Smartphones have been us...
Xiaomi Launches Black Shark Helo Gaming Phone with 10 GB RAM
Xiaomi Launches Black Shark Helo Gaming Phone with 10 GB RAM
After having launched Black Shark in April, Xiaomi yesterday launched the successor to its gaming smartphone, called Black Shark Helo. Though the phone features mostly minor upg...
Pixii, a Digital Rangefinder Camera with a Leica Mount
Pixii, a Digital Rangefinder Camera with a Leica Mount
Leica cameras are pretty expensive and so are its lenses. However if you’re hoping to potentially save some money on the body of a Leica camera, then you might be interested in a n...
Wear Space, a Hi-Tech Blinkers to Help You Concentrate on Work
Wear Space, a Hi-Tech Blinkers to Help You Concentrate on Work
Do you ever feel like having too much fun in the office? Of course it will affects your works. Panasonic has designed a pair of high-tech blinkers, that block out your periphera...
Solar Paper: The World's Thinnest Solar Charger
Solar Paper: The World's Thinnest Solar Charger
YOLK wants to provide solar power chargers that are not so bulky but still highly efficient in the way how they gather solar energy and their latest product is the Solar Paper. One...
Storyball: Smart Toys that Turn On Children's Imagination
Storyball: Smart Toys that Turn On Children's Imagination An interactive smart ball toy that encourages active play among children through the power of AI has hit over 400 per cent its origin...
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