Teknologi.id - Mouse is an input device that has been used for decades by computer users. His form has not changed much since it was first released in 1947. Even though over time, the shape will be more ergonomic and the sensors will become more modern.
Usually, if the shape of the hand and hand position are incorrect. Moreover, the mouse will only function on some surfaces, which causes us to use a base or mousepad. But now a Swiss team offers a more modern solution.
Mouse Shaped Ring
Padrone is a mouse with a shape like a ring. Of course, there are no more problems regarding the incompatibility of the shape of the hand and mouse used. Moreover, Padrone does not need any additional tools, and of course, this sophisticated mouse can run on any surface.

The design is the most unique aspect of Padrone. All kinds of sensors hide in their black bodies. And the best thing is that it can turn into a fashionable accessory when not in use. And you don't need to worry that it won't fit on your finger. Because the manufacturer has prepared 12 size choices that are adjusted to the average shape of the fingers of people in the world.
Fashionable dan Durable
Padrone doesn't need to be released when you're on the move. Because he has obtained an IP67 certification, which means it is resistant to dust and water one meter deep for 30 minutes. In this way, we can still wear it when washing hands. The weight is very light, which is only 8 grams, so maybe you will forget wearing a mouse ring.
Padrone is connected with Bluetooth connectivity without the need for software to be installed. The operation of Padrone is almost like using a mouse. When worn, the mouse cursor will follow the movements of our fingers. Tap your index finger on the table as a left click and middle finger to right click then, stretch or bend your index finger and middle finger to activate the scroll wheel function.
You can order Padrone on the site
Indie Gogo, one unit is priced at USD 200. And will be distributed in the upcoming July 2019.
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