EA Games finally made a game based on Smartphone and this Command and Conquer series came from the series of Tiberium Wars. They decide to make a Command and Conquer: Rivals but with a dedication to the E-Sports. Why do EA Games want to make this game dedicated to E-Sports? Here's the reason why EA Games want it.
Free customization for your army

As you know, in this Command and Conquer: Rivals, you can customize your unit as you see fit. As long as you mastered the battlefield and understand every role of the units, there are thousands of variety can be made. You will never know what is the build of your opponent when facing you face to face.
Creativity is a mandatory for this game

Thousands of strategies, thousands of possibility but you will be provided with two main strategies. Will you choose to siege their base or will you take control of nuclear missile and use it? You need to be creative on this one Each opponent you face will bring you each challenge. There is no such thing as no challenge unless your opponent runs away by closing the application.
If you are not creative then better be ready to get crushed by versatile opponents. Always think of new strategy everytime you face new opponents. Utilize their advantage and disadvantages to the fullest so you can understand each of units characteristics itself.
Every Unit in Command and Conquer: Rivals has its own flaws

No units are perfect on this game. Each unit has its setbacks and over time you play, you will understand how each unit can do and you will know how to deal with them. GDI Orca is perfect to deal with enemy armor but they are not effective against infantry and aircraft. Nod's Attack Bike, for example, they came in a group of three in a single unit. When you destroy one of them, their attack drops down significantly.
Intense Competitive Mode

You may guess that even with your low rating at the normal game, you will be placed in the same place as the professionals do but, you're wrong. Command and Conquer: Rivals featured Rivals Champions, a competitive mode based on your current rating. If you are at the Bronze League then you will be assigned to the Competitive mode with opponent equal to your League, same as those who are at other Leagues.
You don't need to worry about dealing with professionals in a competitive mode. Unless you are in a higher League then, good luck with that.
For more information, visit the Command and Conquer Rivals
website here.
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